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Three small things to change your money game

Nov 24, 2022

I have been preparing for the Money Masterclass and it occurs to me that forty-five minutes is not a lot of time to solve all our money issues…or is it plenty of time?

The three things that I see holding people back with money are mindset, habits, and organisation. 


George Bernard Shaw famously said; 'Those who can’t change their minds can’t change anything.’ So true.

So how do you change your mindset when it comes to money?

The first thing is to understand where your money mindset comes from.  Were you told money is the root of all evil? Or more subtle... Money changes people (in a way that appeared negative).  They were so much nicer before they had money! Were you constantly told your family could not afford things? Were purchases hidden from your dad or mum, as in don’t tell your dad I bought you this?

Our inner six-year-old is about where we formed a lot of our core beliefs around these sorts of things, so take yourself back there and write down a few attitudes you remember around money from childhood.

This is where you can begin to change, after all, you are not six anymore, you are an adult now and you know better.


One of my friends keeps all her receipts and does a weekly check-in, another pays all her bills the day she gets them and yet another friend does a weekly sweep of her accounts and bills on a Friday morning. These are the type of habits that keep us on top of our day-to-day spending. It’s the day-to-day that shapes our future.

What are some of your current money habits?

Do you throw all the mail into a pile on your desk and never look at it? Do you ignore your credit card statements? Do you have automated savings or additional repayments on your loans?

Our current actions around money predict our future, so it's time to create some powerful life-changing habits that will look like small simple steps.


How are your accounts set up now?  Do they reflect your lifestyle or the lifestyle you would like to attain? On top of daily habits, we need to be organised around our money.

When we are disorganised and very stressed it is really easy to lose track of where everything is going so take a moment now to look at, what you own, what you owe, and how are you protecting those things. (insurance etc), what your future will look like and what you may need to reorganise and do better.

If you are organising your week, you might want to consider what you plan to spend in that week.  A few years ago you might have change from $10 for lunch.  Now you would be lucky to have change from $20. Takeaway food versus bringing lunch is a great example of how you can save $20 a day, and yes that takes a bit of organisation.  Setting up payments like vehicle registration and rates might be better for your cash flow in certain months than getting bill shock (my rates are due to end at the end of February, along with all my insurances, a whole lot of work-related memberships etc).  For me, it is better to plan for that and be organised rather than having no money in that month.

So these are the three things the Masterclass will cover, three quick wins that I look forward to sharing in a practical easy-to-follow format!

See you there.  

Phoebe x