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Navigating life changes

Jul 19, 2022

Are you experiencing a divorce or break-up? 

No matter how amicable your break-up, untangling yourself from someone you’ve shared part of your life with. Whether it be 2 years or 20, it is no easy task. It’s never a popular topic to discuss, but one that must be addressed. 

We’re here to guide you through the journey. Our financial coaching services will help you gain complete financial control by giving you the right tools, resources, and knowledge to kick your money goals today - and into the future. 

What’s your current financial situation? 

Knowing your financial situation is the first thing that needs to happen for you to achieve financial success after a separation. Don’t trust your estimates though. Your bank balances are a great place to start, or you can contact our financial coaching team to review your previous six months of spending. Knowing where your money is going is the easiest way to identify where you can cut back. 

Make a budget

Stop saying “hi and bye” to your money each week. It’s time to take ownership by creating a budget and weekly plan that balances your expenses with your lifestyle (brunch and coffees are permitted!). Remember to include expenses for your kids too! 

Take control of your debt 

Future you will be so grateful that current you are taking control of the debt in both your name and joint names. It’s important to get onto this step quickly because lenders will look at past behavior when they’re deciding if they should lend to you in the future. 

Think about the future 

Start the next chapter of your life with confidence by making a plan. Let us help you build a sound strategy that’s not only smart but works for you. An approach that will get you to where you want to be when the separation is finalised. 

Illness and Death

If there is one thing we know about life, it’s that nothing is certain. Illness and injury can pop up out of nowhere, making it harder to earn an income or keep up with your bills. 

That’s where Clover Financial Solutions comes in. 

Our holistic approach means we’re not just interested in your money goals, but in building you a safety net too. If you face sudden illness, you could be entitled to a range of payments from the government, your employer, and your insurance. Our financial planner will help you identify and capitalise on the available support. 

And the same applies to your family. If a family member is terminally ill or passes away, we will work with you to navigate the process, maintain momentum and regain financial stability.