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Are you a money avoider? or a money worshipper?

Nov 16, 2022

I remember standing in the supermarket queue (before you could check balances on a mobile phone) mentally counting the cost of the groceries in my trolley and hoping I had enough to pay for it. I was living with maxed-out credit cards, late payments, and no money in the last few days before payday. How embarrassing!

I am a smart successful woman, but I felt like I was not living my best life because I could not get my financial sh*t together.

If you have read the Happy Money Journey, you know I pulled myself out of that by taking some practical yet effective steps to future-proof my money.

I want to take you there!

There are four major money beliefs according to a Kansas State University study, Worship, Avoidance, Vigilance and Status.

We released a quiz that you can link to here:

 but the basic idea is that you are one of four main money archetypes:

Money Avoiders:

Money avoiders believe that money is bad or that they do not deserve it. They believe that wealthy people are greedy and corrupt, and that there is virtue in living with less money.

Avoiders may sabotage their financial success or give money away in an unconscious effort to have as little as possible. Money avoidance is associated with ignoring bank statements, increased risk of overspending, financial enabling, financial dependence, hoarding, and having trouble sticking to a budget.

Money Worshippers:

At their core, money worshipers are convinced that the key to happiness and the solution to all of their problems is to have more money. At the same time, they believe that one can never have enough.

Money worshipers are more likely to have lower income, lower net worth, and credit card debt. They are more likely to spend compulsively, hoard possessions and put work ahead of family. They may give money to others even though they can’t afford it or and be financially dependent on others.

Money Status Seekers:

Money status seekers see net-worth and self-worth as synonymous. They pretend to have more money than they do, and as a result are at risk of overspending.

They believe that if they live a virtuous life, the universe will take care of their financial needs. They tend to grow up in families with lower socioeconomic status. People with money status beliefs are more likely to be compulsive spenders or gamblers, be dependent on others financially, and lie to their spouses about spending.

Money Vigilant:

The money vigilant are alert, watchful, and concerned about their financial welfare. They believe it is important to save and for people to work for their money and not be given handouts. They are less likely to buy on credit. They also have a tendency to be anxious and secretive about their financial status. While vigilance encourages saving and frugality, excessive wariness or anxiety could keep someone from enjoying the benefits and sense of security that money can provide.

This is just a light way to start looking at deeper issues, and the deeper you get into your money mindset the more successful you will be in changing it.

For you to start your happy money journey, you will need to recognise your current money mindset and money type.

Cannot wait to join you on your journey to financial success!

Phoebe x