Spend with intention
Jun 09, 2023How incredible that they should be another rate rise when so many people are feeling such financial stress. NAB did a survey recently and 40% of families are feeling financially stressed. But on top of that the Australian Institute of Family Studies found 21% of people have borrowed money from friends and family recently in order just to meet their basic living expenses. These rising costs of living are making us really, really stressed out. If you're feeling overwhelmed that is pretty normal at the moment.
The very best way to let the stress and overwhelm go and the way to do that is to know where your money is at, what you're doing with it, and whether you're actually doing things with it that align with what you want to do in life.
So start a conversation with yourself and with your significant other, if you've got a significant other!
How do you want to live?
What are your values?
What thrills, excites, and inspires you?
Where are you just there because you think you should be?
I remember when my daughter was at school and she used to play soccer on the weekends and she used to jump out of bed and into her kit because she loved playing soccer. But there's this little kid there that every week he wasn't a joiner and he really didn't enjoy it. Every time I'd look at him I'd be thinking What's he doing here? Why are you spending all this money and time and energy and effort on doing something you don't want to do? We do that to ourselves all the time, all the time when we are doing something that doesn't align with our values.
So when you're going through those values and you're going through how you want to live, be fully conscious about the things that you're doing.
If one of your values is health – check your spending on gym versus fast food and see how your spending aligns.
If one of your values is community and relationships you are spending money on making on building those relationships and spending time with people, whether that's going out for dinner with them or inviting them over for dinner.
When you are spending with the intention to build a fulfilling present and a safe and fulfilling future you naturally control where your money is going. Spending this way is a little reminder that money can bring joy, fulfillment, community, and a sense of safety and security.
So ask yourself Is spending this way bringing me joy, and is it in alignment with what I truly want in life?
Make a list of what is a priority and see what you can do to ensure you can withstand rising costs in order to hold on to what you most value.
If it is your home and family and rising rates are making you anxious and fearful do something, fix your rate.
If you are renting and concerned rent will increase call your agent or landlord and see what can be negotiated.
Don't sit back and let things happen to you, go out with intention and grab joy with your spending. Remember; what we do today shapes our destiny!