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How to get out of debt

Jul 19, 2022

We know that it can be pretty tough to climb your way out of debt. But with the right tools, resources and advice, we believe everyone is capable of taking back control and getting on track of their debt. We’ve got four super simple and practical steps that we share with our clients when things don’t quite go to plan.

1. Look for an expert

A financial counselor will help you better understand your financial position and look at all the potential options. This free, 100% independent, and confidential consultation includes:

  • Budgeting advice

  • Sustainable repayment plans

  • Negotiation with your creditors

  • Seeking government assistance.

2. Make arrangements

At Clover Financial Solutions, we work with our clients to explore all the options. We review every case individually to ensure we are offering the right advice for every person. By opening this conversation and seeking support sooner rather than later, we can help you make arrangements with your lenders before the situation spirals out of control.

3. Work out a budget

If you want to make good money decisions that allow you to live life on your own terms, it’s super important that you understand your financial situation. That means knowing how much money is coming in, how much you’re spending, and how much you owe. You can use our app to take a deep dive into your financial situation. And once you’ve established where your money is going, you can also work out where you can cut back.

4. Start paying things off

Now that you know where you stand, it’s time to hatch a plan that will get you back on track – one payment at a time.

Are you ready to get out of debt? Let’s chat.