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Stronger Together

Feb 01, 2024

Interviewing Jules Brooke this week, her favourite saying is “be the women who mentions another woman’s name in a room full of opportunities.”

As roles of women change throughout history, where equality is making it’s way (slowly) to the forefront of many industries we see more and more women coming together seeking connection, empowerment and inspiration. We are in an era of uplifting each other, rather than fighting for space and comparing ourselves (although I know there’s still plenty of this). Free the nip, wear what makes you feel good, speak out and speak the truth, all with confidence, is becoming more and more common and saying ‘I’m here for it’ is an understatement.

One in three small businesses in Australia are now run by women and that number is growing. And we’re not doing it alone. Women are generally more nurturing, empathetic and family orientated. We’re often the backbone of our families and biggest connecters between family members, friends and colleagues. We’re the gather of people, the hustlers and the supporters. No one is clapping harder and louder than your work girlfriends when you have a big win in the office. It is so important to surround yourself with likeminded women who lift you up. A study from Harvard Business Review found women who had an inner circle of predominantly women were able to secure leadership roles that were 2.5 times higher in position and pay than women who had male dominated networks. It’s really important to ‘find your tribe’ in a community that supports you and encourages you to flourish. This sense of sisterhood is truly powerful.

We are seeing a rise in community groups where females influencers are taking on leadership roles to connect people encouraging them to make a real impact across many industries. The openness, sharing and support within these communities builds trust and confidence fast as you gain endorsements and reassurances from likeminded women. If you see that someone else has done it, you know that it's achievable. After Covid there was a real lack of true connection that was highlighted during lockdowns. We’ve come out of covid desperate for connection, and having had time to reevaluate our careers we are now seeking a more meaningful life. That’s where we all grow.

These women-focused community groups help connect people with mentors and increase entrepreneurial women’s social capital. These groups are an inclusive avenue to help you gain knowledge, share the highs and lows, mistakes and achievements, receive all kinds of support and guidance as well as access a whole range of services and products. Women communities are a great way to network and develop relationships with likeminded women. They are a safe space to speak openly and express yourself as friends, leaders and equals.

As an entrepreneurial women, I have found these women-focused community groups to be my source of inspiration and connection. My business and my brand have grown substantially because of these amazing women and the way they support and love me (mistakes and all) during my journey. I hope you find a similar tribe, enjoy your journey.